The Destiny . . .
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Monday, December 01, 2008

Killer Monday

Reached my office at 8. Then i received an email from Mr Sivakumar for the vacancy for statics tutorial classes. At first, i planned to take Reinforced Concrete Design as my teaching load. Then after thinking of the pros and cons, i've decided to change to Steel Design. But still, i'm still thinking of the pros and cons of taking it. Oh no...head cracking just becoz of these two subjects. Then when i came to my office...fuhh~ all the questions been answered already. Mr Sivakumar asked me to see him regarding the tutorial matter. I think, i'm gonna stick to this decision. Finally.~. There are four sections for statics and each section carries one hour tutorial per week. The schedules are least there's no gap in between one to another, not like my previous semester. hoho statics...need to revise again start from scratch. I believe, i've the strong basic towards it, just that i need to re-polish it. Just hope for the best this semester. :)

Around 11, i received a call from Marketing Dept, Uniten..telling me that i need to join the photoshot for Uniten advertisement.Oh nooo!! i've a strong instict that i won't be selected for that. huh! However, it's the other way around. huh!!. I don't think i'm photogenic enough to join this photoshot. huhu...Glad najwa was there as least i wont feel bored wasting time. heh~The photoshot went ok..i'm representing postgrad student. Well, if i've been selected (due to my so-called-natural beauty-looks) they will straight away inform me. just wait and see.. :)
After lunch, i went to lab for some testings. (compressive strength test). The results for the testings were negative. my blocks didnt have any strength at all. sigh~.. i have to do so some research in order to find out the roots of all this trouble.aaaaaaaaaaaaa tensinye!!


think that's all...kna balik study....and buat lit rview as well...and study the behavior of lime, FA and etc.
aja² fighting!

1 comment:

TOPeX said...


aya² paiting!!!