Alhamdulillah, i can just smile when thinking about what happened in 2008. One of my very best year in life. I'm finally graduated with a degree in civil engineering, after 5 years of my sacrifications being a geek. Besides, i've been awarded for "The best final year project 2008" a day before my convocation. Alhamdulillah again, all the hard works were really means a lot to me. Just after i've completed my degree, as promised by my parents they sent me off for my Europe Tour. It's kind like a "present" for giving them good results.I went there with my beloved granny. We went to 5 European countries.London, Amsterdam, Belgium, Paris, and lastly, Switzerland. I enjoyed it so much!. I promised to myself, one day if i've enough money i will keep on continuing my tour. Hope that i can tour all around the world. InsyaAllah.
After resting at home for 3 months, i straight away registered for my Master. Master degree in Civil Engineering as well. My aim is to get everything completed by 2009. Hopefully~. I started my first carrier as Research Assistant to Dr Bashar. There were lots of the ups and downs i faced throughout the journey of being a Research Assistant. The best part is, my dream comes true when the first time i went to Cameron Highland, my dream place!!The place was very nice, cooling and refreshing.
After 6 months working as an RA, i've been offered for Tutor post in Uniten. I will start working as a Tutor next week, 5th January. This is the best gift for me as the end of year 2008. As for the beginning of 2009, i'll pray may Allah bless my future undertaking, and let go through everything easily, thus i can graduate my master degree on time. Amin. . .