The Destiny . . .
Daisypath Anniversary Years Ticker


Thursday, April 16, 2009

: : speechless : :

Last week I went to my childhood friend’s wedding. Both my friend and her younger brother were married on the similar day. Their parents are actually my parents’ colleague back in Leeds. The wedding went off smoothly, and the foods served were just nice. After we (mak and I) had our lunch, we went to see the bride and congratulate her. At the age of 27 she becomes a wife to her husband, by matched marriage. We went to see her mother as well, and let her know that we decided to go back. However, something not-so-nice happened! The mother asked me..

“So, when’s yours? Buat lah doa banyak-banyak….” She sounded so mean during that time
What does she mean by that?

My negative P.O.V

- Ko dah tua tu…x sedar² lg ke?? Well, at least I’m still 24 years old. Your daughter got married at the age of 27. So, what’s the big deal?
- Buat doa banyak-banyak sbb ko x laku…mintak dipertemukan jodoh secepat mungkin.. *sigh*

My positive P.O.V

- “So, when’s yours? Buat lah doa banyak-banyak….” maybe this is just an unintentional conversation, without realizing she’s into the sensitive issue.
- Just to remind me, so that I keep on praying to Allah, dipertemukan dgn jodoh yg sesuai, direstui, soleh ..and etc.

I accept her question positively .

Asking people “when are you going to get married” is really S.E.N.S.I.T.I.V.E and S.I.L.L.Y. Of coz every people in this world wants to get married. Who doesn’t? It's a matter of time, money, preparations, and commitments ..well I guessed more that I’ve listed.When the girl is approaching 30s.. Please don’t ask them this kind of question. You might or might not hurt them. For me, I hate to hear this, and I won’t ask people when they are going to get married…at least I’m 24, how about if I’ve already 28, and still being single? Please be considerate, we are just human being, yupps we tend to do mistakes, but THINK before you ask.


TOPeX said...


'Think positive!!' Even if someone is mean, take it & just brace yourself.
The real winner is actually the one who has more patience, not the one who has the last word nor last laugh.

alya said...

thanx dear!!
i wanna b the REAL WINNER.